The Data Catalog that c●nnects teams - to quickly move forward with...
your customers data you can trust doing awesome 📈 doing awesome 🙂

Get started in days, not months, with the FRAM .365 cloud based solution. See for yourself NOW – no credit card up front.

TRY Fram now

WHY? To preserve energy in people

Say goodbye to infinite mail or chat threads on clarifying what data is where, how to interpret any given field or trying to keep it updated in documents or Excel sheets that no one is really sure if it's up to date or if you're even looking at the latest version. _That's simply too costly and frustrating!_ FRAM 365 will scan all your analytics data to update metadata when a dataset or field is changing and let teams collaborate _with context_ on gradually improving the descriptions adding human (business) meaning when needed.


Core user journey

PRECISE search

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Voluptatum, sint. [#](See more)

TEAMWORK in context

With minimal wasted cyscles. Even if team members are apart by time or space.

Explore to TRUST

Quickly discover more connected metadata for a dataset, Then get Fram ▶️▶️▶️ (Forward) to data driven actions.


FIXME TODO hmm methinks it’s basially rendered as pre-footer - either tell it to only render INCLUDE on specific page (s) - or EXCLUDE a get and find a better CTA template - or augment with partial — is what i think Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Nobis,possimus commodi, fugiat magnam temporibus vero magni recusandae? Dolore, maxime praesentium.

Let's Talk TRY Fram now